I spent the first week of November in Indiana visiting Megan, Scott and Daphne. I learned very quickly while on the plane that I was pronouncing the name of the city they live in, Carmel, incorrectly. I was pronouncing it like the city in Northern California, not like the candy. I was told it was like the candy...ok???!!!! The weather before I got there was FREEZING, so I packed a bunch of warm clothes, which I NEVER had to wear!! I brought the warm weather with me!!! It was pretty much in the 70's and sunny the whole time!!!
Meg lives in a really cute neighborhood!!! I loved their place!! The leaves were turning into fall colors. We spent a lot of time hanging out at her home watching great REALITY TV and football!! We were trying to figure out some things to do and thought we might try and go to Chicago for a couple of days, but it didn't work out. We were planning on maybe going on Tuesday, Nov 4th. We sure would of been in for a big surprise and wondered why there were soo many people there!!?? It was the same day that Obama won the Presidency and had his speech in Chicago!! That would of been pretty cool witnessing history!

We tried to go to a tour of the new Colts stadium, Lucas Oil Stadium, but we literally got there 7 minutes late and they wouldn't let us in?? WHATEVER STUPID COLTS...I HOPE YOU LOSE EVERY GAME!!! I have to admit that I LOVE Peyton Manning!! We just went to the team store instead and I got a hat and t-shirt for Joe and a visor for myself. Afterwards, we went and had some lunch at Bugs Temple. The food was really good. It is at the end of a canal where you can take gondola rides.

We spent one day shopping!! Meg took me to the mall and there was NO ONE there!!! Nordstrom had just opened up there and we were pretty much the only ones there. Meg got some Uggs and the salesperson was kind of crazy!!! The best was when she asked Megan for her driver's license and Megan pulled out here California license!! The sales lady was kind of offended from it and asked why she had that. Meg told her in not a very nice tone that she just moved to Indiana. The sales lady looked at us like we were crazy! Obviously she had never been out of Indiana and been to California!!!! Poor thing...
Ever since I got to Indiana, I wanted to take a picture in a corn field. So on the way to the airport to go home, we stopped at a corn field. The stalks were brown, but I still found some corn!! After that, Megan wanted to take me to a farm!! I was learning a lot while staying with her about "cage-free" chickens and "grass-fed" cows, so she wanted to show me the real deal!! The farm was really cute and the animals were just roaming around FREE!!! We got some ice cream which was made out of milk from "grass-fed" cows!! It was pretty good!! We had lunch at Panera. I LOVE Panera!!! I was soo jealous because the Panera has a DRIVE-THRU!! I would be there every day!!!

I had a fun time hanging out with them and especially Daphne!! I was happy that she remembered who I was and didn't bark at me the whole time. The first couple of days I was there, they were watching another dog, Macey.....poor Macey!!! Not so sad when she had to go back to her home!!!!! Macey was at Megan's over Halloween, but Megan never took a picture of her in her costume, so we did it when I got there!! It was pretty funny watching the two dogs dressed a bees!!!


Macey...enough said!!!

Thanks Meg and Scott for letting me come and stay with you guys! We had a lot of fun!! Don't forget about "What, What"!!!! I can't wait for you guys to come for Christmas. Sorry it started raining right after you dropped me off at the airport...didn't mean to take away the good weather!! I am so excited for P4!!!!!!!
The day I headed out to Indiana, I woke up with a soar throat and stuffy nose. I really wasn't happy with that. It never fails that when I have a vacation, I end up getting sick. Every day it kept getting a little worse. The day I had to fly back, I wasn't feeling good. Soar throat, stuffy nose, cough and plugged ears. The plane ride KILLED my ears!! When I got home, I was able to pop my left ear, but the right one didn't. I went to the Urgent Care and got some antibiotics. My right ear is STILL plugged!!(3 weeks later!!) It is sooo annoying!! Word of advice...don't get on a plane if your ears are plugged!!!!