I have been growing my hair out the last couple of years and finally have had enough of this thick hair. I decided to cut it.....I didn't think I would do that again?? I could handle my hair long about a month after I would get it cut because I would get it thinned out. But as time went bye, the thickness would slowing creep back. It would take me forever if I wanted to dry it. Then I would have to straighten it. So lately I have been just keeping it natural-putting some moose in it and wearing it curly-no drying!! I would be done with my hair in about 5 mins, but it just keeps getting thicker and thicker. I know that most people would die to have my thick hair, but it gets pretty annoying. So I decided to cut it. I went tonight after work and when I saw Rich, I thought that he would be excited that I was cutting it off because that meant less time he would have to spend drying it! He told me "Don't cut it"!! He said that it took me a long time to grow it, but I told him I was done! So first went 6 inches...I wasn't satisfied so then went about 3 more. I still made him thin the heck out of it and layer it and it was done! The floor was covered and I am sure that there are some of you out there that would love to borrow some of it (sorry Joe!!). Well, now that summer is here, that means my head won't be so hot!!! We'll see how long this lasts and if I dare to grow it long again!