Sunday, September 16, 2007

It Only Took Me Three Years...

Joe and I took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and rode our bikes down to the beach. It is only 3 miles away!!! I have lived here for almost 3 years and have never rode my bike down to the beach! It was such a nice ride. The scenery was to die for....bright blue sky with sparkling ocean water. The weather was perfect. The beach was still pretty crowded even though it is now September. I think that I might need start doing this more often. You can't beat exercise that is so conveniently close to the beach!!!

Now my next challenge will be riding my poor lonely beach cruiser down there. I have had it for over a year and have never taken it down to the beach....I think I have only taken a few rides around the block since I got it. It is TOOO CUTE to just be sitting in my garage...even the air has come out of the tires!!!

FYI...Remember Joe's new camera I broke when we were in Lake Powell?? Well, he took it to Best Buy and just said that "it doesn't focus" and they let him get a brand new one!!! So...I am out of the dog house and didn't have to buy a new one!! I'm just not allowed to use it anymore...we'll see how long that lasts!!!


Monica said...

Love the bike!! Ok so about the background. I am so sorry I should have told you that. I lost all of my stuff and I just had to add it all back again. So I just copied and pasted all of my bloggers and things like that in a word document and then I had to add my music list again and all of that fun stuff. I know it really is kind of a pain but it is so worth it in the end. You will add the page elements just like you did before. If you have any more questions just let me know!!! I'm excited to see your new look!!

Janice said...

How fun that you can ride to the beach..and I love the beach cruiser!! it is so cute!! I was just telling Kris that I need a bike..can you believe I dont have one!!?? Fill up your tires and get that cute thing to the beach..its too darling to be in the garage! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous you went bike riding on such a beautiful day and I want to borrow your beach cruiser! Great post!

Shauna Brown said...

Get out and ride! A bike and biker chick that cute should not be in a garage!