Monday, October 8, 2007

Deceptively Delicious...

ATTENTION ALL PARENTS WHO HAVE KIDS THAT WON'T EAT VEGETABLES!!!I am watching Oprah right now and she is having the best show about kids who refuse to eat vegetables. Jessica Seinfeld has a new cookbook called "Deceptively Delicious". She has three kids who refuse to eat vegetables and was tired of battling with them every meal. She found out a way to hide vegetables in everything they eat. She purees any kind of vegetable: broccoli, carrots, spinach, cauliflower and squash and mixes them in their food. She takes macaroni and cheese, chicken mcnuggets and even brownies and mixes the puree in them and the kids have no clue. LISA...THIS IS YOUR LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!!! If any of you have kids that refuse to eat vegetables, you need to get this cookbook!


SUMMER said...

I taped this show today! Can't wait to watch it now!!!

Janice said...

oohh! what a good idea! Thanks for the info!

Chris said...

i saw that show today! i want to get that book because i still need to sneak vegetables into my meals!

Chris said...

oops this is jenny

Emily M said...

my mom was talking about this! it think it is such a great idea!!

Emily M said...

mom bought the cookbook today